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Stretching liggghht

Edited Shadow 

Enhanced Pyramid

Food Colouring/Water and Jars

       I found while taking this picture I was faced with many obsticles. Getting the right lighting and trying to get that perfect picture is something that will be the death of me. For this photo I took a picture of a tree and selected the shutter speed to two seconds which gave me just enough time to sway the camera to the right and give the picture this effect. I then just enhanced the levels and exsposure and poped in a boarder. 

      For this photo I went outside and layed down a white sheet of paper and let the sun do the rest. It was super windy though so I had to stand of the piece of paper to get a good background. The background was origanally white but I added some effects and enhanced some colours to get this bluish an purpley look. I liked this activity because when your working with shadows and creating your own kind of dark light you can make it however you want. Ideas are limitless. 




      This is probably my favorite simply because your working with food colouring and it gives you a really cool look when it first hits the water.  Adding different colours to make weird collaberations is always neat.  The white and black paper with stright across lines in the background when seen through the water makes the lines seem like there going a different way.  Then I added food colouring to the jars of water. All that was left to do was adjust the saturation and enhance some colours and slap on a boarder!

      For this photo I used other classmates art projects and put them against a white blackground and a light. I then used a lot of editing on the computer to bring out the colours and get the effect that the light is fading through. I cropped half of the other items out because they didnt turn out as well as I would of liked them to be. The texture wasnt the best but I found these two pieces of art the saturation and vibrance looks really intresting. 

Pin Hole

Zoom Blur


Christmas lights


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